Ordering Numbers
"Waiter, I would like a 7 and a 3, please..."
NO, not THAT type of ordering. I mean putting them in order ...
NO, not THAT type of ordering. I mean putting them in order ...
To put numbers in order, place them from lowest (first) to highest (last). This is called "Ascending
Order" (think of ascending a mountain)
Example: Place 17, 5, 9 and 8 in ascending order.
Sometimes you want the numbers to go the other way, from highest down to lowest, this is called
"Descending Order" (think of a "steep descent")
Example: Place 17, 5, 9 and 8 in descending order.
Practice by neatening up your friends. Measure their heights, then place them in ascending order of height. Try it again, but use their weights.