Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mnemonics as a Numbers Memory Aid

Last time, I introduced to you the concept of using mnemonics as a memory technique to remember numbers.  I told you that you can code the number “9” as either a “b” or a “p”.
In this memory technique, none of the vowels are used, so you can use any vowel you wish in order to create words and phrases that will aid you to remember numbers.
For instance, if you need to remember the number 9999, you could code
it as “bbbb” or “pppp”, or any 4-string combination of b’s or p’s.  You
could do this, but it would not be very effective as a memory trick for
remembering numbers.  Instead, you should code it as something like
“Boo Boo Bob”.  So to decode this easy to remember phrase, you just
extract the consonants and translate them back into their numbers.
The above example is a simple case, and in the real world, you will
need the entire code to make this technique work effectively.
In this
post, I will give you the code that we will be using, and in subsequent
posts, I will explain the code in detail, and give you some ways of
easily remembering the code – so please do not let it scare you off!
The code really is very easy to remember once I tell you how:

Letter Code
t, d
j, sh, ch
k, g
f, v
p, b
z, s

Now that you have the code for our mnemonics memory technique to remember numbers, you will need a means of quickly remembering the code so that you can quickly create words and phrases for the numbers that you want to remember.
I’ll only cover a few at a time so that you will not be besieged with too much information at once. Also, it will give you a chance to practice this memory technique using just a few codes at a time; this will help you to commit to memory a few codes at a time very quickly.
First, “1” can be coded as a “t” or a “d”.  Some teach you that a “t” or a “d” has one downstroke.  This is fine, but so do other letters in the codes for other numbers.  I like to remember the game “Truth or Dare”, and in that game, you can only choose one.
Next, “2” can be coded as an “n”.  Lowercase “n” has two downstrokes.
Last, but not least, “3” can be coded as an “m”.  Lowercase “m” has three downstrokes.
That’s it for today – pretty easy, huh?!!  OK, so go out and practice these code letters for 1, 2, and 3.  Don’t worry – it’s as easy as “Tan Me”!

Let’s continue our math tricks mnemonics memory technique to remember numbers with the codes for the numbers 4, 5, and 6.  Again, these memory aides should be practiced so that your brain becomes “hard-wired” for coding and un-coding your words and phrases.
The number “4” is coded as “r”.  The memory technique to use here is to remember that the word “four” ends in an “r”.
The number “5” is coded as “l”.  I have seen several techniques that can be used to remember this code.  First, the Roman numeral “L” means “50”.  Also, you can remember that your thumb and index finger together looks like the letter “L” when you spread out all the digits on your hand to indicate “5”.
We will finish this part with the number “6”, which is a little more challenging in that it has several codes.  “6” can be represented by a “j”, or a “sh”, or a “ch”.  For the letter “j”, you can remember that a mirror-image cursive “j” kind of looks like a “6”.  For the “sh”, you can remember that “shix” sounds like “six”.  Also, “chix” rhymes with “6”.
If you have any other ideas or suggestions for other memory aides for these codes, please feel free to let us know by posting a message!

Here we will conclude our memory technique to remember numbers with the codes for the numbers 7, 8, 9, and 0.
First, “7” can be coded as a “g” or a “k”.  To remember the “g” code for 7, simply remember that “g” is the seventh letter of the alphabet.  The “k” code for 7 can be remembered like this.  Visualize uppercase “K” as two sevens back to back (one 7 being the mirror-image of the other) and turned 90 degrees anticlockwise.
Next, “8” is coded as an “f” or a “v”.  The “f” code can be remembering that a cursive lowercase “f” resembles the number 8.  For the “v” code, I like to remember the old vegetable drink commercial line, “”WOW! I could have had a V8!”
The number “9″, as we have seen before, can be coded as a “b” or a “p”.  Remember that lowercase “b” looks like an upside-down 9, and “p” looks like the mirror image of the number 9.
Finally, the number “0” is coded by the letter “z”.  Any guesses as to how to remember this one?  RIGHT!  The word “zero” begins with the letter “z”.
Once again, if you want more in-depth information on this memory technique and other math tricks, then I recommend the book “Secrets of Mental Math”.

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